
Task Example 1: Simple hash cracker


This example illustrates following Golem features & aspects:

  • VM runtime
  • Task execution
    • Parallel task execution
    • Low-level work item timeouts
    • Early exit from task execution
  • File transfer to/from Provider exe unit

This tutorial is the textual counterpart to a workshop originally prepared by Jakub Mazurek, a Software Developer at Golem Factory and presented during the Hello Decentralization conference in February, 2021.

Jakub's workshop during Hello Decentralization.

Now that we've seen how easy it is to run a Golem requestor agent, then had a look at how this stuff works under the hood we can put this knowledge to the test and build a simple Golem app that is a bit more realistic than our Hello World.


If you'd rather like to have a more general introduction on the idea behind Golem or would like to learn what components constitute a Golem node and the Golem network, please have a look at Golem Overview

Step 0. What are we building?

The application we'll build and run on Golem will be a very simple, quick-and-dirty, distributed hash cracker implemented purely in Python that will perform a dictionary attack on a specific hash that we'd like to decipher.


For the sake of clarity for those less versed with the terminology, a short explanation is due.

A dictionary attack involves running some (usually known) hashing function on each word from some input dictionary in the hope that one of the resulting hashes will match the one that we're matching against. Getting a match means we have found the original plain text string that's hidden behind that hash.

The string might have been a password or some other secret that's usually stored only in an encrypted (well, technically, hashed) form to prevent someone who got into possession of such a string from being able to read the secret directly.

The only way to recover the original password then would be to perform a brute-force attack against such a hash, using all possible character combinations up until some arbitrary character length. The caveat is that such attacks are usually - and by design - prohibitively expensive computation-time-wise.

Hence, an attacker may try a dictionary attack, constructing hashes out of a limited set of words, assuming that the person who defined the password used some regular word from a dictionary.

We'll use this idea mainly because it scales in a very straightforward manner - the input dictionary can be easily sliced and each slice sent to a different provider to be processed simultaneously. That makes it an excellent example of an application that leverages the most fundamental feature of Golem - the ability to distribute computational loads.

We chose it also because we can do it using Python's bundled modules, without depending on any external libraries (apart from yapapi - Golem's high-level API - and its dependencies in the requestor agent, of course).

For your convenience, we're providing some boilerplate code in a Github repository created specifically for the purpose of the original workshop and our piece here.

We're going to be using the code from this repository later on in the course of this tutorial.

Anatomy of a Golem app

To give you a quick glimpse into what a typical Golem application looks like (you can read about this topic at length in our guides here and here), what you need to know for now is that it consists of two distinct components:

  • the requestor agent part that runs on your requestor node and is responsible for preparing the tasks for the providers and processing their output,
  • the worker part that runs within VMs on the provider nodes and performs the actual computations.

Our simple hash cracker

In our dictionary attack example, the requestor agent's task will be to take the list of words within which we hope to find the one that matches the provided hash and split that list into smaller pieces that will be sent as part of the execution package to the providers.

On the other end, the worker part will go through the specific part of the list it received, compute hashes for each word and compare it to the original hash. In case it finds the matching one, it will return the match to the requestor.

Finally, the requestor agent will present the solution to the user.



Since we're building the whole app from scratch, that includes preparing the worker code and the VM image that includes it. To prepare such image, we'll need Docker.

Python 3.7+

Our example requires Python 3.7 or higher. You may use pyenv (preferably using pyenv-installer) to install an appropriate Python version without affecting your system.


Let's now install the dependencies that will be used throughout the remainder of the tutorial.

We'll start by cloning the example app's repo and checking out the workshop branch:

git clone https://github.com/golemfactory/hash-cracker.git
cd hash-cracker
git checkout workshop

Theworkshop branch contains a template for the application with some boilerplate filled in for you. If you'd like to take a look at the finished implementation instead, please use the repo's master branch.

Next, we'll create the virtual environment and install the project's dependencies. In order to do that, please ensure your Python interpreter is the active one in your shell and then go with:

python3 -m venv cracker-venv
source cracker-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 1. The worker

Now it's time to get our hands dirty. :)

We'll start with the piece that's going to perform the heavy lifting and, of course, we'll want that to be executed on the providers.

The boilerplate

When you open the worker.py file from the workshop branch, you'll see the following boilerplate:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This file contains the script that will be run on provider nodes executing our task.
It is included in the image built from this project's Dockerfile.

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

ENCODING = "utf-8"

HASH_PATH = Path("/golem/input/hash.json")
WORDS_PATH = Path("/golem/input/words.json")
RESULT_PATH = Path("/golem/output/result.json")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    result = ""

    with HASH_PATH.open() as f:
        target_hash: str = json.load(f)

    with WORDS_PATH.open() as f:
        words: List[str] = json.load(f)
        # TODO Compare target hash with sha256 of each word

    with RESULT_PATH.open(mode="w", encoding=ENCODING) as f:
        json.dump(result, f)

As the comment at the top of this boilerplate mentions, this code is included in the VM image of the app that's run on the provider nodes.

Skipping over the imports at the top, what we have there are a couple of constants - HASH_PATH, WORDS_PATH and RESULT_PATH - those are the paths to the locations within the Docker image that contain the hash to be cracked, the slice of the dictionary we want this node to process and finally, the path to the result file - in case a result is found within the processed slice of the dictionary.

The reason these paths refer to the locations within the Docker image and not on your local machine is that this code will run on the virtual machine on the provider node. We'll show you a way to map and transfer them there later on.

Next, we have your standard-issue invocation of a Python context manager for a Path object:

    with HASH_PATH.open() as f:
        target_hash: str = json.load(f)

which, basically, loads the hash from the JSON-serialized file in the VM's work directory.


    with WORDS_PATH.open() as f:
        words: List[str] = json.load(f)

that does the same with the list of words.

And finally:

    with RESULT_PATH.open(mode="w", encoding=ENCODING) as f:
        json.dump(result, f)

which writes the result to the path defined as the output that's going to be transferred back to the requestor.

Of course, if the result is not found in the given slice, it will just pass back an empty string.

The heavy lifting

Now, let's focus on the part marked with TODO:

# TODO Compare target hash with sha256 of each word

Let's replace it with code that performs the hashing and comparison:

        for line in words:
            line_bytes = bytes(line.strip(), ENCODING)
            line_hash = sha256(line_bytes).hexdigest()
            if line_hash == target_hash:
                result = line

What the above does is:

  • it iterates through the lines in input slice of the dictionary,
  • converts each of those lines into a UTF-8-encoded string of bytes (line_bytes variable),
  • then, it computes a SHA-256 hash of those bytes and converts that to a hexadecimal string (line_hash variable),
  • compares the resultant hex-encoded hash to the hash we're trying to find a match for,
  • and finally, if a match is found it saves the corresponding word as the result and finishes processing.

One last thing - since the code uses the sha256 function from the hashlib library (bundled with Python), we need to import it by adding a line to our imports at the top of the file:

from hashlib import sha256

We're done with our worker code!

The test run

As an option, before we bundle that code into the VM image, we may want to run it locally first.

Here, we're going to test it with a shorter list of words (data/words-short.json), which is also included in our example alongside with a sample hash derived from one of the words in that shorter list (data/hash-short.json). The hash should match the word test from that list.


The input list of words (data/words-short.json) is a JSON file as this is the format which our worker.py script expects. It corresponds to a single slice of the original word list.

Before we run our test we need to temporarily modify the worker.py's input paths. Let's replace the constants in the beginning of the file to point to our shorter lists:

# HASH_PATH = Path("/golem/input/hash.json")
# WORDS_PATH = Path("/golem/input/words.json")
# RESULT_PATH = Path("/golem/output/result.json")
HASH_PATH = Path("data/hash-short.json")
WORDS_PATH = Path("data/words-short.json")
RESULT_PATH = Path("data/out.json")

Now, let's try running the worker.py script (needs to be executed from the project's root directory):

python worker.py
cat data/out.json

The result should be: "test" which matches the expected password as mentioned above.


Before we proceed, if you have run the above local test, remember to revert that three-line change of constants which point to the file paths.


Nice! The first step is behind us - we have defined and tested the most basic building block of our first Golem app. :)

Step 2. The VM image

With the worker.py script ready, it's time to take a look at the VM image which will be used to run our code on providers.

The Dockerfile

Here's what our Dockerfile looks like:

# Dockerfile used to build the VM image which will be downloaded by providers.
# The file must specify a workdir and at least one volume.

# We're using python slim image in this example to limit the time it takes for the
# resultant image to be first downloaded by providers, given the fact that our example
# here is limited to barebones Python installation.
FROM python:3.8.7-slim

VOLUME /golem/input /golem/output

# For the sake of completeness, we're including `worker.py` as part of the VM image.
# During development though, a developer could choose to send `worker.py` to the provider
# as part of the task, to eliminate the need to build and upload the VM image each time.
COPY worker.py /golem/entrypoint/
WORKDIR /golem/entrypoint

Let's go through these instructions one by one.

FROM python:3.8.7-slim

Here we specify our base Docker image. We use the official python image since we want it to run our worker.py script and choose the slim variant to reduce the image's size.

VOLUME /golem/input /golem/output

This line defines two volumes in the image: /golem/input and /golem/output. Volumes are directories that can be shared with the host machine and, more importantly, through which the execution environment supervisor (the process on the provider's host machine) will be able to transfer data to and out of the VM. For a Golem VM, the image must define at least one volume.


Contrarily to what you may expect and, notably, differently from Docker's own behavior, the paths within the Docker image associated with volumes will always mask any content under those paths in the image itself.

Therefore, be sure to provide different paths for any files already contained in your VM image and for the paths that will be mounted as volumes that are shared with the host environment.

COPY worker.py /golem/entrypoint/

This line will copy our worker.py script to the path /golem/entrypoint within the image. Later on we'll see how the requestor code uses this path to run our script.


During development, it may be beneficial not to include the Python script (worker.py above) in the image itself. Instead, one can push it to individual providers at runtime using the work context's .run() command.

Each update of any content that goes inside the VM image necessitates rebuilding the image, regenerating the GVMI file, re-uploading the file into the repository and finally, updating the image hash that your requestor agent uses.

WORKDIR /golem/entrypoint

Defines /golem/entrypoint as the working directory of the image. It will be the default location for commands executed by this image.


Since version 0.2.5 of Golem's VM runtime execution environment - and of the compatible gvmkit-build tool - the WORKDIR doesn't need to be present, in which case the working directory will be set to / and the paths to the binaries run will need to be absolute.

Important note about Docker's ENTRYPOINT

As previously stated in the Hashcat example, because of how Golem's VM execution unit works, the Docker's usual ENTRYPOINT statement - if present in your Dockerfile - is effectively ignored and replaced with the exeunit's own entrypoint.

That means that at present, if you need some initialization to be done, you can pass the relevant commands from the requestor agent as part of the execution script after the image is deployed and started on provider's VM. This will be shown in Step 3 of this tutorial.

Building and publishing the image

To make our image available to providers within the Golem network we need to take the following steps:

  1. Build a Docker image using our Dockerfile.
  2. Convert the Docker image to a .gvmi file using gvmkit-build.
  3. Push the .gvmi file to Golem's image repository.

gvmkit-build is included in requirements.txt, so it should be installed in the virtual environment used for this example.

The three steps above translate to the following shell commands.


Make sure Docker is running on your machine before you execute them. Otherwise you'll get a nasty-looking error message.

docker build . -t hash-cracker
gvmkit-build hash-cracker:latest
gvmkit-build hash-cracker:latest --push

The command containing the --push option needs to be a discrete step.

After that last step completes, make sure to note down the hash of the image. It's used in the next step's code to specify the image loaded by the providers.


We have now created and made public the VM image that our providers will utilize when running our computational payload.

Step 3. The requestor agent

All right, our payload is ready and the most important remaining piece is the requestor agent part which will be responsible for handling our computational task on the requestor's end - distributing fragments of the task to providers and getting results back from them.

The low-level part of the requestor agent's job - that is - keeping and processing information about the providers' market, choosing offers, signing agreements, executing payments and basically communicating with all the other nodes in the network is performed by the yagna daemon and handled by our high-level API via the daemon's REST API.

However, there are two main responsibilities that are too specific for each application to be provided by our high- or low-level APIs or by the daemon itself. Those are:

  • splitting the computation and wrapping its fragments with Task objects that directly represent the singular jobs that are given to provider nodes.
  • specifying the exe-script - or in other words - the sequence of operations like sending files or parameters, calling commands within the VM on provider's end, requesting results back, etc - which in their entirety cause the specific task to get successfully executed on provider's end.

We will need to supply the code for them as part of our app's requestor agent and, fortunately, we already have the perfect place designed for them in our requestor.py file.

The boilerplate, again

Again, let's start with the template that's more or less agnostic about the specific purpose of the given application. When you open requestor.py from the workshop branch, you'll see the following boilerplate:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This file contains the requestor part of our application. There are three areas here:
1. Splitting the data into multiple tasks, each of which can be executed by a provider.
2. Defining what commands must be run within the provider's VM.
3. Scheduling the tasks via a yagna node running locally.

import argparse
import asyncio
from datetime import timedelta
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import AsyncIterable, Iterator

from yapapi import Task, WorkContext
from yapapi.log import enable_default_logger
from yapapi.payload import vm

import worker

# CLI arguments definition
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
arg_parser.add_argument("--hash", type=Path, default=Path("data/hash.json"))
arg_parser.add_argument("--subnet", type=str, default="public")
arg_parser.add_argument("--words", type=Path, default=Path("data/words.txt"))

# Container object for parsed arguments
args = argparse.Namespace()

ENTRYPOINT_PATH = Path("/golem/entrypoint/worker.py")
TASK_TIMEOUT = timedelta(minutes=10)

def data(words_file: Path, chunk_size: int = 100_000) -> Iterator[Task]:
    """Split input data into chunks, each one being a single `Task` object.
    A single provider may compute multiple tasks.
    Return an iterator of `Task` objects.
    # TODO

async def steps(context: WorkContext, tasks: AsyncIterable[Task]):
    """Prepare a sequence of steps which need to happen for a task to be computed.
    `WorkContext` is a utility which allows us to define a series of commands to
    interact with a provider.
    Tasks are provided from a common, asynchronous queue.
    The signature of this function cannot change, as it's used internally by `Executor`.
    # TODO

async def main():
    # Set of parameters for the VM run by each of the providers
    package = await vm.repo(

    # TODO Run Executor using data and steps functions

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = arg_parser.parse_args()

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    task = loop.create_task(main())

    # yapapi debug logging to a file

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # Make sure Executor is closed gracefully before exiting

As you can see, there are a couple of imports at the top.

Then, it seems we have missed the truth just a tiny bit by claiming the boilerplate to be application-agnostic since it does contain two parameters that are specific to our app - hash and words . These are paths to files containing the hash we're looking for and the dictionary which we hope to find the hash in, respectively. Otherwise, it's just a regular Python argument parser invocation using argparse.

Then, we have those two, so far empty, functions - data and steps - the filling of which will be our main task in this section.

Furthermore, we have our main which we will also need to supplement with a proper call to our API's Golem class to bind the previous two together.

And finally, we have some code that actually launches the main routine and does some rudimentary error handling just in case something goes amiss and we're forced to abort our task with a somewhat rude Ctrl-C.

The task fragments

First, let's fill in the data function. It accepts the words_file path and the chunk_size, which is the size of each dictionary slice defined by its line count. data function produces a generator yielding Task objects that describe each task fragment.

To perform the above, we can use following piece of code:

   with words_file.open() as f:
        chunk = []
        for line in f:
            if len(chunk) == chunk_size:
                yield Task(data=chunk)
                chunk = []
        if chunk:
            yield Task(data=chunk)

As you can see, it first opens the file containing the input dictionary - which is a plain text file in which each line is a potential candidate for a password that would match the hash.

With the file open, it creates an empty list (chunk) which it fills with the lines from said file, stripping them of any preceding or trailing whitespace or newline characters (line.strip()).

Once the number of appended lines reaches the chunk_size- or once all lines have been read from the input file - it then yields the respective Task with its data set to the just-constructed list.

That's all we need for those fragments to be defined.

The recipe for each step

Let's now proceed to the recipe that defines what exactly needs to happen in order for the provider node to process each Task.

The function performing this job is called steps in our example. It accepts context, which is a WorkContext instance and tasks - an iterable of Tasks which will be filled with task fragments coming from our data function that we defined in the previous step.

WorkContext gives us a simple interface to construct a script that translates directly to commands interacting with the execution unit on provider's end. Each such work context refers to one activity started on one provider node. While constructing such a script, we can define those steps that need to happen once per a worker run (in other words, once per provider node) - those are placed outside of the loop iterating over tasks.

So now, let's take a look at how we're going to define those:

context.send_file(str(args.hash), str(worker.HASH_PATH))

async for task in tasks:
    context.send_json(str(worker.WORDS_PATH), task.data)


    # Create a temporary file to avoid overwriting incoming results
    output_file = NamedTemporaryFile()
    context.download_file(str(worker.RESULT_PATH), output_file.name)

    # Pass the prepared sequence of steps to Executor
    yield context.commit()

    # Mark task as accepted and set its result

As you can see, there's one command that's uniform for all tasks - the first .send_file() invocation. It transfers the file containing the hash we'd like to crack and instructs the execution unit to store it under worker.HASH_PATH , which is a location within the VM container that we had previously defined in our worker.py script. We perform this step just once here because that piece of task input doesn't change.

Then we define a few steps that will take place for each task in our list:

  • .send_json() which tells the exe-unit to store the given subset of words as a JSON-serialized file in another path within the VM that we had defined in worker.py (worker.WORDS_PATH, note that in this function the destination comes first, followed by an object to be serialized),
  • .run() call which is the one that actually executes the worker.py script inside the provider's VM, which in turn produces output (as you remember, this may be empty or may contain our solution),
  • then we have .download_file() call which transfers that solution file back to a temporary file on the requestor's end,

Please keep in mind that any commands specified in the .run() call to the VM execution unit must directly refer to a given executable, which usually means specifying their full, absolute path. There's no shell (and hence, no PATH) there to rely upon.

With the steps ready, we call .commit() on our work context and yield that to the calling code (the processing inside the Golem class) which takes our script and orchestrates its execution on provider's end.

When the execution returns to our steps function, the task has already been completed. Now, we only need to call Task.accept_result() with the result coming from the temporary file transferred from the provider. This ensures that the result is what's yielded from the Golem to the final loop in our main function that we'll define next.

The execution

So, here comes the last remaining part of the requestor agent code that we need to throw into the mix to arrive at a fully-functioning implementation of our app's requestor part. This part goes into the main function in the boilerplate.

Defining the VM image for provider-end execution

If you followed through the whole of our tutorial so far, you have also built and published the VM image of your app. We asked you then to "note down the hash of the published image". If you have done that, you may replace the hash in the vm.repo() invocation with the noted-down one:

package = await vm.repo(

Later on, when you work on your own app, this is also the place that defines the memory and storage requirements of the provider node's execution environment that your app needs to run successfully.

If you have not published your image, for the purpose of this workshop you can just use the one we have made available and the hash of which we have given in our boilerplate code already.

Executing the tasks

And then, the remaining code is the following and the explanation comes below:


There has been some changes in the Golem's high-level API since Jakub recorded the workshop video. The code below has been updated to reflect those changes and is different from the corresponding code snippet shown in the video. (The following explanation has also been updated accordingly.)

async with Golem(budget=1, subnet_tag=args.subnet) as golem:

    result = ""

    async for task in golem.execute_tasks(
        # Every task object we receive here represents a computed task
        if task.result:
            result = task.result
            # Exit early once a matching word is found

    if result:
        print(f"Found matching word: {result}")
        print("No matching words found.")

In the first line we instantiate our Golem engine. It is given our GLM budget and the subnet_tag - a subnet identifier for the collection of nodes that we want to utilize to run our tasks - unless you know what you're doing, you're better-off leaving this at the value defined as the default parameter in our boilerplate code.

Our golem is used with async withas an asynchronous context manager. This guarantees that all internal mechanisms the engine needs for computing our tasks are started before the code in the body of async withis executed, and are properly shut down afterwards.

With golem started, we are ready to call its execute_tasks method. Here we instruct golem to use the steps function for producing commands for each task, and the iterator produced by data(args.words) to provide the tasks themselves. We also tell it that the provider nodes need to use the payload specified by the package we defined above. And finally, there's the timeout in which we expect the whole processing on all nodes to have finished.

With async for we iterate over tasks computed by execute_tasks and check their results. As soon as we encounter a task with task.result set to a non-empty string we can break from the loop instead of waiting until the remaining tasks are computed.

Once the loop completes, the result should contain our solution and the solution is printed to your console. (Unless of course it happens that the hash we're trying to break is not found within the dictionary that we have initially assumed it would come from - which we assure you is not the case for our example hash ;) ).


Having completed the requestor agent part, you now have all the pieces of your first Golem application ready to be run.

Step 4. The daemon

Now, it's time for the final piece of infrastructure necessary for our requestor node setup - the yagna daemon itself.


Unless you have actually done it before, you'll need to first install and fund your yagnadeamon. Please go to:

and proceed with the initial part. You can stop before the "Running the requestor and your first task on the New Golem Network" as we're going to take it from there here.

For those who had already initialized their daemon and/or completed the quick primer, just start your daemon:

yagna service run

Cool, that was quick! Your yagna daemon is now running and ready to serve as the back-end to your requestor agent that we're going to start soon.

Step 5. The liftoff

With all pieces ready in their positions, it's now time to set our app to motion!

To do that, we need to be sure that:

  • our app's VM image has been published and that it matches what we're referring to in requestor.py (in the image_hash parameter to vm.repo()),
  • our yagna daemon is running and is properly funded and initialized as a requestor.
  • our Python virtual environment has been properly set-up, activated and requirements of our hash-cracker app installed

Now for the big moment! Make sure you're in the directory containing the requestor.py script within the checked-out repo and run:

python requestor.py

This will launch your app on the Golem Network. You should see a lot of messages announcing subsequent phases of the execution of your computation and finally, if all goes according to the plan, you'll get the result (which, of course, depends on the current availability of the provider nodes and the amount of work performed by the network in the given moment).

In case you wonder, the result should have something to do with the name of the conference this workshop has been first presented on.


You have completed and successfully run your first app on Golem! Welcome to our constantly growing community of app developers! :)

Final words, next steps

During this workshop we have lead you through all stages of implementation of a typical Golem application:

  • we showed you how to prepare the innermost piece of your app - the very code that runs within the VM on the provider's end,
  • enabled you to publish the VM image containing that code to Golem's image repository,
  • went through the process of writing the requestor agent to orchestrate the execution of your computational task,
  • showed you how to prepare your yagna daemon to handle the interactions with the rest of the Golem world,
  • and finally how to launch your app to Golem.

Of course, the app was very simple - as it should be for that kind of example - but we hope it gave you some confidence and some basic knowledge of what to expect when you get to implement your own ideas.

Next steps
  • A slightly more advanced tutorial
  • Design and then implement your own Golem app.
See also

Have fun with Golem!