
Service Example 0: Hello world?


This example illustrates the following Golem features & aspects:

  • VM runtime
  • Service provisioning and execution
  • Retrieving command output from the provider's ExeUnit


This example shares a number of concepts, as well as parts of its code with the task model "Hello World!". Therefore the below article can be considered a good introduction: Quickstart.

Also, in case you haven't done so already, it's a good idea to take a look at the Introduction to the service model before proceeding.

Requestor agent code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from yapapi import Golem
from yapapi.services import Service
from yapapi.log import enable_default_logger
from yapapi.payload import vm

DATE_OUTPUT_PATH = "/golem/work/date.txt"

class DateService(Service):
    async def get_payload():
        return await vm.repo(

    async def start(self):
        async for script in super().start():
            yield script

        # every `DATE_POLL_INTERVAL` write output of `date` to `DATE_OUTPUT_PATH`
        script = self._ctx.new_script()
            f"while true; do date > {DATE_OUTPUT_PATH}; sleep {REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC}; done &",
        yield script

    async def run(self):
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC)
            script = self._ctx.new_script()
            future_result = script.run(
                f"cat {DATE_OUTPUT_PATH}",

            yield script

            result = (await future_result).stdout
            print(result.strip() if result else "")

async def main():
    async with Golem(budget=1.0, subnet_tag="public") as golem:
        cluster = await golem.run_service(DateService, num_instances=1)
        start_time = datetime.now()

        while datetime.now() < start_time + timedelta(minutes=1):
            for num, instance in enumerate(cluster.instances):
                print(f"Instance {num} is {instance.state.value} on {instance.provider_name}")
            await asyncio.sleep(REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    task = loop.create_task(main())

Besides the usual boilerplate in the form of imports and the entry function there are two crucial pieces to this program:

  1. DateService class, which is the implementation of our example service. It defines how the service should be started and what action it should perform.
  2. main() function, which creates an instance of Golem to take care of provisioning our service using the Golem network.

Let's now take a closer look at both of the components mentioned above.

Service implementation

In the Golem API, services are implemented by extending the base Service class. By overriding certain methods from that class we can define our service's life cycle, as well as its payload. Here's an overview of this interface:

  • get_payload() -> Optional[Payload] returns the Payload object which describes the execution environment we want our service instances to run on. In the case of the VM runtime this will include a hash of the VM image to be deployed. If we choose not to implement this method our payload will need to be specified when running the service through Golem.run_service.
  • start() -> None called for each service instance when it enters the starting state. This should contain the sequence of steps which need to be taken in order for our service to be started.
  • run() -> None called for each service instance when it enters the running state. This is where the main loop of our service should be implemented.
  • shutdown() -> None called for each service instance when it enters the stopping state. In case our service requires some cleanup logic to be run before an instance is terminated, this is where it should be placed.

All three life cycle methods (i.e. start, run and shutdown) are optional, although in most cases a service will require at least start to be implemented.


To control service instances running on remote ExeUnits, all life cycle methods require access to a WorkContext object tied to some active instance.

This WorkContext instance is provided through the field self._ctx of the Service class. This means that, behind the scenes, an object of our Service subclass is spawned for each service instance running on a provider.

payload definition

async def get_payload():
    return await vm.repo(

Our DateService uses the same image hash as the Task Example 0: Hello World!. This hash points to a pre-uploaded, minimal image based on Alpine Linux.

start() function

async def start(self):
    async for script in super().start():
        yield script

    # every `DATE_POLL_INTERVAL` write output of `date` to `DATE_OUTPUT_PATH`
    script = self._ctx.new_script()
        f"while true; do date > {DATE_OUTPUT_PATH}; sleep {REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC}; done &",
    yield script

Our start function is responsible for starting a background process on the provider's ExeUnit. In the case of DateService this process is going to be the following shell command:

while true; do date > /golem/work/date.txt; sleep 5; done &

The above command has its placeholders substituted with their actual default values. When run in the provider's ExeUnit, this will keep rewriting the file /golem/work/date.txt with the output of date every 5 seconds.

The file /golem/work/date.txt will be our source of data which we'll later on read in our service's run function.

run() function

async def run(self):
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC)
            script = self._ctx.new_script()
            future_result = script.run(
                f"cat {DATE_OUTPUT_PATH}",

            yield script

            result = (await future_result).stdout
            print(result.strip() if result else "")

This function is where the requestor agent has a chance to monitor and control each running service instance. In the case of our example we periodically monitor values generated on a service instance by printing them out to the console.

To retrieve the last sample we run the shell command cat /golem/work/date.txt in the provider's ExeUnit and then retrieve its output by awaiting on future_results. This gives us an array of objects containing command results which we can use to get the output we need.

With the service implementation complete let's now take a look at how we can provision instances of this service.

Service provisioning

async def main():
    async with Golem(budget=1.0, subnet_tag="public") as golem:
        cluster = await golem.run_service(DateService, num_instances=1)

In the function main we start by creating an instance of Golem, specifying our budget and target subnet. We then use it as a context manager to run our service.


If you are not familiar with the Golem class and/or how it's used in these examples, take a look at Task Example 0: Hello World! (this links to a section about the Golem/Executor classes).

Provisioning our service is done using the method run_service which, in our example, is given two parameters:

  • service_class is the class extending Service which will be used as the definition for each of our service instances.
  • num_instances is the number of service instances we'd like to create.

Awaiting on run_service returns a Cluster object. This is a wrapper around a collection of Service objects, in our case these will be DateService objects. Each of these objects represents a single instance of our service provisioned on the Golem network. The Cluster can be used to control the state of those service instances (e.g. to stop services if necessary).

Monitoring service state

cluster = await golem.run_service(DateService, num_instances=1)
start_time = datetime.now()

while datetime.now() < start_time + timedelta(minutes=1):
    for num, instance in enumerate(cluster.instances):
        print(f"Instance {num} is {instance.state.value} on {instance.provider_name}")
    await asyncio.sleep(REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC)

To monitor our cluster we're going to periodically query the instances' state and print relevant information to the console.

Apart from monitoring itself this part also controls the time for which we want to keep our service running. In our case, the while loop will run for a minute, relative to start_time. After this time the loop will break and we'll exit Golem's context manager, triggering its cleanup logic.

Using the Cluster object's instances field we can iterate over our service instances and inspect their state. instance.state gives us a StateMachine associated with the given instance. It can be in one of five states: starting, running, stopping, terminated and unresponsive.

All done!

That's it!

We can now try running our service. Assuming you have a yagna node active locally (refer to the Yagna installation in case of any doubts) and yapapi library installed, you can start the example by running the below command from the example's directory:

YAGNA_APPKEY={your_appkey_here} ./hello_service.py

Once the service gets provisioned on a provider you should see log lines similar to the ones below (some parts are abridged for clarity):

[2021-06-16 13:42:42,969 INFO yapapi.services] <DateService: eaddc033960d48d0a04801a91bdca489> commissioned
[2021-06-16 13:42:42,970 INFO yapapi.summary] Task started on provider 'friendly-winter', task data: Service: DateService
Instance 0 is starting on friendly-winter
Instance 0 is running on friendly-winter
Wed Jun 16 11:42:48 UTC 2021
Instance 0 is running on friendly-winter
Wed Jun 16 11:42:53 UTC 2021
[2021-06-16 13:43:50,890 INFO yapapi.summary] Terminated agreement with friendly-winter
[2021-06-16 13:43:50,987 INFO yapapi.executor] Golem is shutting down...
[2021-06-16 13:43:50,987 INFO yapapi.executor] All jobs have finished
[2021-06-16 13:43:50,987 INFO yapapi.executor] 1 agreement still unpaid, waiting for invoices...
[2021-06-16 13:43:52,960 INFO yapapi.summary] Accepted invoice from 'friendly-winter', amount: 0.002412786162893529

In the case of our example we run a single instance of the service. Once that instance changes its state to running we start seeing output from the date command running inside the VM. After our set period of time (i.e. 1 minute) the agreement gets terminated and, after paying for the invoice, our program exits.

Next steps
  • The next article takes a close look at a more complete example, including error handling and more complex service control